
As a proof reader one comes across all sorts of special suave foreign characters. To a punctilious obsessive compulsive proof reader it is anathema to have to consult the Wiktionary time and again to get the right sound marks, over, under, before or after a vowel.

I am partial to a few simple punctuation marks, commas, ellipsis, diphthongs, ’m’ and ‘n’ dashes, straight and curved brackets.

<…^^^???( *** ) >”                      “ <…^^^???( *** ) >”

I wonder whether Basho would have preferred the circumflex or chevron to the flat macron above his name? The former looks so much better, much like the sedge hat he wore on his journeys.

New Year’s Eve   an editor collapses beneath   diaeresis  and umlaut


Note: Phonotactics (from Ancient Greek phōnḗ “voice, sound” and taktikós “having to do with arranging”) is a branch of phonology that deals with restrictions in a language on the permissible combinations of phonemes. Phonotactics defines permissible syllable structure

Angelee Deodhar


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