16 thoughts on “Ekphrastic haibun: Bosh

  1. Neena Singh says:

    The linkage of Van Gogh’s Potato Eaters with this potato photograph by Kevin is a masterly stroke dear Angelee. Loved the haiku at the end…cold hands and hot chai…warm one up! 🙂


  2. Sumita says:

    Lovely haibun!! The humble potato – a staple for millions – just a picture of one fetches a million. Of so many different forms, shapes, colors… this picture evokes an image of this possibly being a meteor!
    The famed potato – finds an honorable place amongst art lovers and poets… Keep up the fantastic work!!


  3. Congratulations Angelee! This was so interesting to read. You are having a banner year, my friend. May you always enjoy your writing journey. Wishing you continued success.



  4. Raveesh Varma says:

    Very, very wicked; juxtaposing 5 potato-eating misshapen peasants, with 2 wine-swilling millionaire-peasants with you, mulling the whole over a cup of masala chai. Very provocative and very crafty!


  5. Michael Murrey Escoubas says:

    Michael Escoubas says: for me this is a picture of humility. Strong, yet subtle statement about life. Thank you.


  6. Geethanjali Rajan says:

    “As a potato goes, it isn’t even a good looking specimen..” Better this, than mashed! Like the masala chai too. Thanks, Angelee.


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